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Opt Out of Verizon Open-End Sharing

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News,

Verizon page

Writer David Weinberger payed attention to a pamphlet he received from Verizon that informed him that he has only 45 days to opt out of allowing the company to share his personal information. That would include “information created by virtue of your relationship with Verizon Wireless,” including “services purchased including specific calls you make and receive, billing info, technical info and location info.” They promise to only share this with “affiliates, agents and parent companies.”

You might want to check your latest accompanying paperwork from the company and call 1-800-333-9956 or check your status online. After being put on hold for doing just that, David was told to go to the My Profile tab in My Verizon, click Phone controls, and he would find the link.


Read More | JOHO


LG Versa Cell Phone

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Corporate News, Music, USB,


LG’s Versa will be available on Verizon Wireless as of March 1. It features an animated 3-inch touchscreen interface, an HTML browser with Flash and RSS feed support, a built-in accelerometer and the ability to keep open 3 windows at once. Best of all, the phone features a removable QWERTY keyboard. The Versa comes with V CAST Music with Rhapsody and V CAST Video and a USB cable to download content. You can pick one up for $199.99 after a $50.00 rebate and 2-year agreement.


Read More | MobileCrunch

Slacker Internet Radio hits BlackBerry Storm

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Internet, Music,

Slacker BlackBerry Storm app

We know a lot of you guys have been waiting for this one, so it brings us joy to share with you that Slacker Internet Radio has finally come to the Storm. We’ve proclaimed our love for in the past, and we’ve been enjoying it ourselves on the iPhone. This is good news to lovers of Internet radio, who also just happen to rock the Storm. You can grab it by firing up your web browser on the phone, and heading over to slacker.com. We’ve got the full release after the break for you. Also, be on the lookout, we are going to be giving away 10 Slacker Radio Plus subscriptions later today - stay tuned.

Click to continue reading Slacker Internet Radio hits BlackBerry Storm

Inauguration: DC Verizon Wireless customers send 2.9 millon SMS messages

Barack Obama SMS continues to reach the hearts of minds of the nation’s younger citizens, and you just have to look at the way technology is being used as proof. My pal John Czwartacki from just shared an interesting piece of info - Verizon Wireless DC customers sent and received 2.9 million SMS messages between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm yesterday, during the inauguration. That’s a lot of tap-typing. To give an idea of reference, that is more than three times the number os texts sent last week during the same four hour timeframe.

[Thanks, CZ!]

Read More | CZ

Apple readying CDMA iPhone?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Rumors,


The rumor mill has been buzzing today with whispers that may be readying a CDMA version of the , which would have EVDO support. So, when would this one be announced? Apparently, at MacWorld 2009 in January. Unfortunately, we are gonna have to call shenanigans on this one. After all, Verizon Wireless was supposed to get the iPhone originally, but were too wrapped up in a traditional cell carrier mindset to see that it would be a boon to their business. Then, AT&T came in and signed a multi-year exclusivity contract in the USA. Plus, it’s not like Apple needs more distribution for the iPhone to make it a success, it’s doing just fine. We think they’d rather focus their iPhone staff on the next iteration of the phone, rather than going sideways to make one that will work on Verizon’s network. Sure, we could be wrong, but…nah…we don’t think so.

Read More | 9to5Mac

Why I Love LG’s VX9400 Cellphone (aka the “TV Phone”): A Review

LG's VX9400 from Verizon

In August, my contract with T-Mobile ended, and I was ready to upgrade my cell phone. Like most everyone else, I desperately wanted an , but the $500 price tag was too rich for my blood.  I also considered the Sidekick, which would have allowed me to stay with T-Mobile (whose service I love). Then one day I wandered into a store to check out their “TV Phone”: ’s VX9400. You’ve probably seen the commercials of people watching “The Daily Show” or “Spongebob” on their cellphone and wondered “Just how good is that thing?”  Well, I was hooked instantly and purchased it the next day. Despite the phone’s drawbacks – and they are major—I’ve been in love with it ever since. Here’s why…

Click to continue reading Why I Love LG’s VX9400 Cellphone (aka the “TV Phone”): A Review

Free Mobile Web Hack on Verizon Wireless

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones,

Verizon Wireless Mobile Web HackCheck it out, you can now use Mobile Web on your Verizon Wireless phone, and not pay the $4.99 per month charge to Verizon to do so. In fact, this is a perfectly legal alternative, because you are simply using a different server than the one Verizon Wireless provides. This hack works for any Verizon Wireless phone that supports Mobile Web 1.0 - 2.0. All you need to do is go into the setup menu and make a couple of changes.

Read More | MobileWEB4U

EDIT: I should have been more clear. Use MobileWEB4U to find out how to access the appropriate menu on your phone where you change servers. Once you find the menu, enter a proxy server. You can find one at http://www.publicproxyservers.com.

You must also enter both the proxy server address as well as the port it uses. If you don’t have both, it won’t work.
